NEW INFORMATION Meet Ms. Jessenia! Hello Inno Families! You may or may not know me and so I thought it would be helpful to introduce myself in this new role this year. I’m Ms. Jessenia and I am serving in both a las huellas Spanish Immersion lead and to overall...
We hope you had a wonderful fall break! We are excited to welcome students back to campus on Monday, October 25th! NEW INFORMATION Family Climate Survey – Please Complete by Nov. 29th It is already October and we are well into the start of the school year. In an...
REMINDER: No School Next Friday – Teacher Professional Development Day Break Week Begins on Monday, October 18th with school resuming on Monday, October 25th. NEW INFORMATION Fall Fundraiser For Student Travel! We are so excited to get back to raising funds for...
REMINDER: Wednesday, October 6th is our fall student count day. As you do every day, please make sure your student arrives on time and is present for the entire day. NEW INFORMATION MASK UPDATE – OCTOBER 1ST There has been activity at the State level these past...
Our middle school elective art students have been busy working on a pig that will be on display downtown Zeeland from September 25-October 2 as part of “Avenue of Art” for Zeeland’s Pumpkinfest. Bring the family for a stroll through downtown Zeeland...
REMINDER: Friday, September 24th is an early release day for students. Dismissal will be at noon. NEW INFORMATION Mask Clarification Thank you for your continued efforts to keep students learning in person by complying with the Ottawa County Mask Order issued a couple...