Happy Spring Break!
We hope you have a relaxing, restful and fun week. Looking forward to seeing all of you when school resumes on Monday, April 8th.

Fun at Innocademy This Week…
Grand Finale of “March is Reading Month”

LEGO Expo Today!
Mr. Chad’s Middle Connections Kiddos hosted a Lego Expo today! What a ton of fun to see so many of our families attend! Thank you for giving our students an authentic and enthusiastic audience!

Mark Your Calendar, Please…
- March 29th – April 7th – Spring Break
- April 8th – School Resumes
- April 25th – Family Fun Night at the ODC
- April 29th – May 3rd – 8th Grade Capstone Trip – Puerto Rico
- May 9th – Tulip Time Kinder Parade – 2pm
- May 9 & 10 – Tulip Time – 1/2 Day Dismissal for Students
- May 21 – May 24 – 6th/7th Graders – Backpacking Capstone Trip
- May 27th – 31st – Memorial Day Break Week
- June 7, 14, 21, 28 – No School on Fridays
- June 12-June 13 – 5th graders – Capstone Trip to Detroit
- June 26th – 1/2 Day – Last Day of School
BINGO RESULTS – March Is Reading Month
In Middle School, our reading competition these last two weeks had kiddos reading a total of 18,073 minutes! Wow!
For elementary, we had 35 students turn in their Reading Bingo Sheets, and those 35 students (at least those they took the time to count and add all the pages they read) read 32,165 pages!! WOW!
A few fun facts about our total number of pages read…
- The circumference of the earth is approximately 25,000 miles, so if we converted each page read into one mile, we would have circled the globe and then some!
- The Eiffel Tower is 1,083 feet tall. If each page read measured about one foot and we lined them up, edge to edge, our paper tower would be almost 30 times taller than the Eiffel Tower!
- If we converted our pages read into pounds, they would weigh as much as THREE African Elephants!
And now for the RAFFLE WINNERS!
- Makayla E. (Ms. Morgan)
- Weston E. (Ms. Rachel)
- Moises Montez (Ms. Rachel)
- Lila H. (Ms. Morgan)
- Elodie A. (Ms. Elisabeth)
- Sarai S. (Ms. Marisol)
Winners were able to choose a FREE book from the book fair
April 8th – Total Solar Eclipse!
The eclipse is approaching quickly! By now, you have probably heard all about the opportunity to view the eclipse along its path in the US. Here in Ottawa County we will have approximately 90% coverage right around 3:11pm. Below are some things to consider.
Why is this such a big deal?
Total solar eclipses are actually pretty common; there is one about every 18 months. However, they are rarely visible in the same place repeatedly (about every 330 years), which makes this a special event. A solar eclipse is when the moon is situated between the sun and the Earth in space, so it appears that the moon is blocking the sun’s rays from our point of view here on Earth. It gets dark, and strange things happen during a total solar eclipse too. Animal behavior often changes, and we can sometimes see planets and comets during the daytime. On April 8, we might be able to see Venus and Jupiter in the sky, as well as a passing comet called the Pons-Brooks Comet. The next total solar eclipse is not until 2044 in the Northern Hemisphere.
Safety First – PLEASE READ!
Due to the timing of this solar eclipse, safety is key. The event is scheduled to start with a partial eclipse beginning about 1:55p, 90% coverage of the sun at 3:11p, and then turn back into a partial eclipse until 4:24pm. Much of this will be during dismissal for our students, so please consider the safety information below:
- Pinhole viewers are encouraged to view the eclipse in shadow form if glasses are unavailable
- Colanders can also be used to view the eclipse
- Find a family with a telescope with a solar filter
Tulip Time Kinderparade – May 9th – Join Us!
Would your student like to join us in representing Innocademy at the Tulip Time Kinderparade? The parade is on Thursday, May 9. We will line up at 1:30, parade starts at 2:00, and should be done around 3:00
Please sign up below! Sign up ends on April 12.
Tulip Time Kinderparade Sign Up 2024
Please note: all Innocademy students are invited to march, however students in TK, K, and 1st grades are required to have an adult chaperone march with them. All chaperones marching must wear a Dutch Costume. Students marching will be provided with a free tee shirt to wear. The Signup will CLOSE ON APRIL 12 so we have time to order tee shirts.
Outdoor Discovery Center Innocademy Family Fun Night – April 25
Please join us from 5-6:30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend! Invite your neighbors, your friends or people who might want to come to our AMAZING school!!!!
We need VOLUNTEERS!!! If you are available to help, please sign up Here

April Lunch Menu

Dress Code Reminder from our Family Resource Guide

Has Your Child Had A Fever or Been Ill? Please Note The Illness Guidelines Below From our Family Resource Guide
Please help us create a safe, healthy environment for all of our students and teachers. We ask for your help in maintaining the safe environment by keeping your child home any time he or she is ill or becoming ill. It can be a tough call but if we all adhere to the guidelines, we can help make these days happen less for everyone. We will continue to rely on our professional medical partners at the Ottawa County Health Department for their most up-to-date guidance for K-12 Schools.
In general per the Ottawa County Health Department, these include:
- Fever within the previous 24 hours, must be fever free without the use of medications for 24 hours.
- ANY vomiting or diarrhea in the past 36 hours. Must be completely symptom free without the use of medications for 36 hours. If they still are not eating normally, they shouldn’t return to school.
- Any symptoms of diseases (COVID-19, scarlet fever, measles, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough, etc.)
- Runny nose with any colored discharge
- Excessive coughing
- Sore throat
- Any unexplained rash
- Pink eye
- Head lice – Child should be treated and free of all nits/live bugs prior to returning to school. The following link does an exceptional job of explaining what lice looks like, the treatment, and myths. If a student becomes ill during the school day, a parent will be contacted to determine if the student should go home using the guidelines above. Any minor injuries must be reported to a teacher and they will be treated and returned to class. If medication is required, the medication policy 5330 will be followed.
Calendar for ’24/’25 School Year
Next year, school will begin on Monday, August 5th with an Open House scheduled for the evening of July 31st.

’23-’24 Innocademy Family Resource Guide
If you’ve not already done so, please read through the Innocademy Family Resource Guide for this year so that you are familiar with daily life at Innocademy. As always, if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are happy to help. Thank you.
Innocademy School Calendar for 23-24