

Aimee Streur

Meet Ms. Aimee! She has always loved working with kids and knew at a young age that she wanted to be a teacher. We are lucky to have her as one of our 4 day Preschool teachers for the past 3 years.

Bucket List: Travel to Africa and Alaska

First Job: Worked at a summer daycare program

Favorite Hobbies: Baking and crafting 

Jamie Genzink

Meet Mrs. Jamie! She is serving as our Precademy teacher for the 2-day track. 

Michelle Ling


Meet Mrs. Michelle! She is serving as our para-professional for the Precademy 2-day track.

Grace Potter

Meet Ms. Grace! She helps in our 4 day classes and has the warmest smile!

Favorite Color: Sage Green

Bucket List: To travel to all 50 States


Classic Elementary

Kayleigh Alger

Meet Ms. Kayleigh! We are excited to welcome her as our Kindergarten teacher.


Bio Coming Soon


Molli McHugh

Meet Ms. Molli! Ms. Molli is teaching 1st grade this year!

Bio coming soon.


Kerri Bosch

Meet Ms. Kerri! Anyone that knows Ms. Kerri knows she loves her Cheez-its and we have been loving her the last 13 years! Ms. Kerri has taught many grade levels over the last 9 years, but currently teaches 2nd grade.

First Job: Dairy Queen

Bucket List: Whitewater rafting

Favorite Book: Wonder

Voted Most Likely: To get married

Jo Heisler

Meet Ms. Jo! She teaches 3rd grade Classic and this is her first year with IES!

Megan Anders

Meet Ms. Megan! She teaches 4th grade Classic and this is her third year with IES!

Love Doing: Reading, playing games, spending time with family, and crafting.

Bucket List: Visit Ireland


Ky Lacy

Meet Mr. Ky! He is our 5th Grade Classic teacher and this is his thirdyear at IES!

Love Doing: Curling up with music and a good book.

Favorite Color: Brown



Adriana Hanson

Meet Ms. Adriana! She is our 6th grade teacher. This is her first year with IES! 

Bio Coming Soon!



Stephanie Parrott

Meet Ms. Stephanie! She is our elementary special education teacher! This is her 16th year in education and 4th year at IES. She and her husband Scott have three kids and together they love to read, hike, mountain bike, and play games.

Favorite Food: Dark chocolate and berries, together or separate!

Type of Grade School Student: Quiet, perfectionist

Favorite Hobby: Singing in a 12-person acapella chamber choir

Favorite Children’s Book: All Are Welcome


Renee Frye

Meet Ms. Renee! She is the K-4 Classic Interventionist and has been with IES for 10 years!

Love Doing: Camping and going on offsite trips with students.

Favorite Dance Move: The Floss


Jen Kahwa

Meet Ms. Jen! She supports our friends as an interventionist.


Something on your Bucket List: Going on a safari.

Something Surprising to Know: I have lived in Uganda.

Favorite Color: Purple.





 Joelle Vruggink

Meet Ms. Joelle! She supports our youngest friends as a classroom paraprofessional.


 Favorite Color: Orange

Bucket List: Travel the whole Mississippi River by boat


Cyndi Nykamp

Meet Ms. Cyndi! She is supporting all our learners this year as a paraprofessional.   She became a grandma last year to two fun little girls, Renee and Elliana, born to her son and wife, Caleb and Rita, AND to her daughter and husband, Lydia and Josh. Her son, Elijah, traveled to Oregon with her this summer, visiting family, hiking, canoeing, walking and eating good food!

First Job: Ice cream dipper and waitress at a ice cream parlor

Favorite Children’s Book: Owl Moon

Surprising Fact: She learned how to “barefoot ski” but was afraid she would lose her toes, so she put tennis shoes on her feet and skied that way!

Las Huellas Elementary

Ruth Gutierrez-Van Beek

Meet Maestra Ruth! She teaches young 5’s Spanish Immersion in Las Huellas and this is her first year at IES!

Bio Coming Soon!


Natalia Pánuco

Meet Maestra Natalia! Ms. Natalia has always loved learning! her bucket list wish is to continue her academic learning. She has shared her love of learning with us the last 6 years and currently teaches our youngest friends in Las Huellas.

Type of Grade School Student: Quiet, and always worried about grades and homework

Can’t Live Without: Coffee

Favorite Book: Romeo and Juliet

First Job: Dishwasher (at 8 years old)

Meet Maestra Marisol! She is a BIG fan of animation AND she is in love with teaching and can’t wait to teach her Las huellas 1st graders! Something she enjoys is reading! Reading takes you places when you can’t travel! Open a good book, find your favorite spot and get reading!!

Bucket List: Visit all the great wonders of our world!!

Favorite Book: Corduroy

Voted Most Likely: To love too much!

Favorite Hobby: Reading

Rachel Potter

Meet Maestra Rachel! This is her 7th year at Innocademy, and teaches second grade standards to our Las huellas Spanish Immersion friends. If she’s not at school, you can probably find her growing some veggies in her garden, golfing with her husband, trying her hand at some amateur sewing, or lounging on the beach with her dog!

Favorite Food: Crab legs

Can’t Live Without: One-woman concerts in her car on the way to school

Bucket List: Seeing a Broadway musical

Elisabeth Van Wolde

Meet Maestra Elisabeth! She teaches 3rd grade Las Huellas and this is her second year with IES!


Favorite Book: Harold and the Purple Crayon.

Would be voted most likely to: Win a Grammy!


Morgan Cummings

Meet Maestra Morgan! When she is not teaching, Maestra Morgan enjoys taking trips to the beach and strumming up a tune on her ukulele! This is her 3rd here at Innocademy teaching fourth grade standards to our Las Huellas middle friends!

Can’t Live Without: Taco Bell and coffee (separately…not together!)

Favorite Book: Robot Salvaje

Personal Hashtag: #ifyouknowyouknow

Voted Most Likely: To be mistaken for a student

Maria Torres

Meet Maestra Maria! She’s busy teaching our 5th grade friends this year and has supported students in the past as a paraprofessional.


Favorite Hobby: Riding rollercoasters at Cedar Point

Favorite Color: Royal Blue


Liliana Jogerst

Meet Maestra Liliana! She supports our friends as an interventionist and Middle School Las Huellas teacher.

 Bio Coming Soon!


Tania Yunissi

Meet Ms. Tania!  She supports our friends as a classroom paraprofessional.


Bio Coming Soon!


Classic Middle School

Alvin Essenburg

Meet Mr. Alvin! Mr. Alvin’s bucket list wish is to visit All the National Parks in the United States. We are lucky enough to have him share all his outdoors and science knowledge with as the 7th and 8th grade Science and Math teacher.


First Job: Paper Route

Favorite Snack: Combos/Mountain Dew

Favorite Book: The Bible

Special Talent: Computers and fixing things

Jessie Webb

Meet Ms. Jessie! She is our 7th and 8th grade Social Studies and ELA teacher. This is her first year with IES! 

Bio Coming Soon!



Brad Van Beek

Meet Maestro Brad!  He is teaching Spanish for our oldest friends and it’s his first year with IES!

Bio Coming Soon!



Erin Beyer

Meet Ms. Erin: Ms. Erin loves the color orange. She has worked at Innocademy since January 2020. She is an interventionist with our oldest friends. She is married to Ryan and they have four daughters.


First Job: Babysitter

Can’t Live Without: Potatoes and Dr. Pepper

Favorite Book ~ The “Little House on the Prairie” series

Surprising Fact ~ Was a camp counselor for 17 summers.


Specials & Electives

Emily VanDam

Meet Ms. Emily! She teaches art! It is her 5th year teaching art here at Innocademy. Ms. Emily lives in Zeeland with her husband and two daughters, and their dog Charlie.


Favorite Food: Ice Cream

Favorite Book: Where The Crawdads Sing

Hobbies: Reading, going on hikes with her family, making art

Hillary Schmidt

Meet Ms. Hillary! Ms. Hillary is in her fifth year teaching Y5-8th grade music at Innocademy. Ms. Hillary teaches in one of the few rooms in our building with walls. And it’s a good thing because she loves moving, grooving, singing, and playing with our students!


Special Talent: Classically trained singer

Favorite Book: The “Harry Potter” series

First job: Dry-cleaning clerk

Favorite hobbies: Cooking & gardening

Chad Zuber

Meet Mr. Chad! Mr Chad has been with Innocademy for the last 9 years in many roles, he is currently teaching our connections class. He stresses with his class to be proactive and take responsibility for actions within your control. He often points to a quote from Arthur Ashe, “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” you can often find him at a local park, checking out a bug in his native plant garden, or on a walk with his family when he is not in school.

Based on his background in science and design, it may be a surprise to find out his favorite time of the school day is doing class read aloud because of the interesting discussions and depth of thinking students show around challenging texts. His classes’ favorite books have been Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus, Bud, Not Buddy, and Flora and Ulysses.

Kim Looman

Meet Maestra Kim!  She is excited to be teaching as our elementary Spanish teacher and this is her first year at IES!  

Bio Coming Soon! 


Celia Lanser


Meet Ms. Celia!  She is excited to be joining us for this year as an MTSS Interventonist and Sports Skills Instructor!

Bio Coming Soon! 


Support Staff

Jessenia Martinez

Meet Maestra Jessenia! A couple of things on her bucket list include taking a road trip around the United States and sky diving!

She has been at Innocademy for the last 7 years and has served as a paraprofessional, elementary and middle school teacher for las huellas. Currently she is the lead for our building!

Her husband Juan, her daughter Delyla, and her enjoy reading and watching family movies.

Her favorite habit is putting first things first as she likes to get things done in the order of importance. The one thing she wants every student to know is “Your voice matters and you have SO much to share with the world, make sure to do so!”


Meet Ms. Kristin! She supports our students as our School Social Worker.


Favorite Color: Purple

Bucket List: Scuba diving with sharks!


Debbie Duran

 Meet Ms. Debbie!  She is excited to be serving as one of our Special Education Paraprofessionals this year!

Bio Coming Soon! 


Aida Morin

 Meet Ms. Aida!  She is excited to be serving as one of our Special Education Paraprofessionals this year!

Bio Coming Soon! 


Tawne Aernouts

 Meet Ms. Tawne!  She is excited to be serving as one of our Special Education Paraprofessionals this year!

Bio Coming Soon! 



Meet Ms. Jennifer! She supports our students as our Special Education Coordinator.



Meet Ms. Lisa! She supports our students as our School Pyschologist.


Favorite Food: Chicken and Waffles

 Bucket List: Visiting all the States in the U.S.

Becca Beebe

Meet Ms. Becca! This will be her seventh year with Innocademy as the Speech-language Pathologist. She is one of only a few staff that work in all the IES schools (precademy, las huellas, Innocademy, iCademy and Innocademy Allegan Campus). She is married to Jim Beebe and they love doing anything that has to do with water (either liquid or frozen). They have three grown sons who live all over the country; Maine, Indianapolis and Washington!

Fun Facts: Loves classical and folk music and can play piano, recorder, voice and harp

More Fun Facts: Her mother is still healthy and living at 98 years old

Enjoys: SWIMMING, reading, cooking, knitting, playing the piano, cycling, cross country skiing, rowing, sailing, going out to eat, chocolate and tea.

Melissa Meyer

Meet Ms. Melissa! Ms. Melissa has been with IES schools for 8 years, starting as a parent volunteer and is now our technology coordinator for all three schools.

First Job: Video Store clerk

Favorite Snack: White Cheddar Popcorn

Can’t Live Without: Her husband, kids, and cats

 Meet Ms. Raquel!  She greets everyone with a smile as she wrangles our front desk for all of us.  


 Meet Mr. Oscar! He supports our IES system as one of our custodians.

 Meet Ms. Kelly! She supports our IES system as one of our custodians.

Kate Mathe

Meet Ms. Kate! Ms. Kate is our pupil accounting and registrar for all three IES Schools. 

Bio Coming Soon

Meet Ms. Leisa Lobbezoo! She believes her special talent is her super loud whistle, but after being part of the IES family for the last 14 years, we know she is a woman of many talents! Ms. Leisa wears many hats at Precademy, Innocademy and iCademy Global as she works to help all of our new families through the enrollment process as well as working in communications and marketing.


Type of Grade School Student: Teacher’s pet… for real…. they gave her an award

Voted Most Likely: To become an actress

Life Hashtag: #hangontightandenjoytheride

Bucket List: Visit Europe, walk on a glacier, watch the Detroit Tigers play in most of the MLB ballparks

Meet Mr. Dave! He handles the finances for all of our schools.



Bio Coming Soon!