Fun at Innocademy This Week…
Thanks to those BRAVE souls who joined us for the Zeeland Christmas Light Parade on Monday! Wowza! And another HUGE Thank You to the Nyhof Family for heading up this project each year! We appreciate you!

Do you want to build a snowman? Mr. Chad’s Connections class had so much fun with sculpting sand this week!

Resilience in action as the weather turned cold and rainy, During Mr. Chad’s Connection Class, Ms. Marisol’s Friends rose to the challenge and learned about our town and made maps of Hawthorn Pond-and had some time to play, and sing in the rain!

We are so lucky to have such amazing Guest Readers visit our classrooms!
Ms. Elisabeth’s Classroom… Thank you to:
- Denae Martin
- Liz Cruz
- Brooke Dobberstein
- Audrey Gajeski
- April Best
Ms. Megan’s Classroom…Thank you to:
- Abby Billington
- Shannon Amaro
Ms. Morgan’s Classroom…Thank you to:
- Roxie Claxton
- Krissy Dykstra
- Ross Brower
- Jessica Eberly
- Heather Volkema
Ms. Natalia ‘s Classroom…Thank you to:
- April Best
- Book Dobberstein
Ms. Liliana’s Classroom…Thank you to:
- April Ruggles
- Mary Hofman
Ms. Kerri’s Classroom…Thank you to:
- Cristian Panuco
- Sammy Nicholson
- Marcy Koch
Ms. Rachel Potter’s Classroom…Thank you to:
- Emily Goudreault
- Jessica Eberly
Mark Your Calendar, Please…
- December 5th – Literacy Night & PaperPie Book Fair
- December 6th and 7th – PaperPie Book Fair
- December 12th – Student Dismissal AT Community Reformed Church – 3:30pm
- December 12th – Christmas Extrava-GANZA
- December 22nd – No School for Students or Staff
- December 22nd – January 7th – No School – Holiday Recess
- January 8th – School Resumes
REMINDER Angel Tree Donations Needed
We have connected with 18 different families from Innocademy Zeeland, Innocademy Allegan, and iCademy who have expressed a need for help in making the holidays special for their families.
They have shared with us items that their family members not only want for the Holidays but need as well. If you are interested in helping these families, please take a look AT THIS SIGN-UP
- Select items you are willing and able to contribute
- Please make sure all items are new, and not previously used
- Bring (or send via Amazon) UNWRAPPED items to Homestead Campus (8485 Homestead Dr., Zeeland, MI 49464) on or before MONDAY, DECEMBER 11TH
- Please make sure to include the family number, age, and gender of the gift recipient with each item (ex: Family #1, female, age 5). This will help us greatly with the sorting process!
- If you would like to contribute to the purchase of a gift, but are not able to shop for an item, money donations can be left at the front desk of your school building.
Feel free to reach out to Ms. Rachel at or Ms. Marisol at with any questions.
Thank you so much for helping make the holidays brighter for some of our IES families!
Literacy Night Information & $5 Paper Pie Book Fair This Week!
Can’t wait to see you on, Tuesday, December 5th from 5-6:30pm for our Innocademy Literacy Night!
Join our guest author, Julie Buchholtz, for a read-aloud of her new book “Who Am I?”, winner of the “Own Voices and Own Stories” award and participate in oodles of fun at our other literacy centers! Please see attached for details and information on all of the fun!
Also, to compliment our Literacy Night, Michelle Sweet has graciously organized a $5 PaperPie Bookfair for that same evening to be held at the conclusion of the event from 6:30 – 7pm.
If you’d care to do some secret…or not so secret holiday shopping, the book fair will also be open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week from 8:30am – 10:30am and from 1-4pm each day.
If you have any questions please reach out to Michelle Sweet at
If you’re interested or able to volunteer for a time slot, please go here to see what’s available.
Winter Expectations and Sledding Schedule

Innocademy Extravaganza Details from Ms. Hillary
It’s Showtime! I am pleased to share with you our plans for the Innocademy Extravaganza. The performance will be held on Tuesday, December 12, at 7 p.m. at Community Reformed Church in Zeeland (10376 Felch St, Zeeland, MI 49464). As in years past, we will hold our dress rehearsal at the church during the afternoon. All students will be bussed to the Community Reformed via Zeeland bussing and should be picked up there by parents promptly at 3:30 p.m.
Doors will open for the evening performance at 6:45 p.m. Students should proceed to the gym between 6:45-6:50 to meet their teacher and line up. Family and friends may find seats in the sanctuary to view pictures and student artwork that will be digitally set to music. If you are a parent of a youngest friend in Ms. Kerri, Ms. Kayleigh, Ms. Natalia, or Ms. Ruth’s classroom, please meet your child on stage right AFTER their performance to take them back to sit with you for the remainder of the program.
This program will feature the musical learning of ALL the Innocademy students in grades Young Fives – 8th. The students have been working very hard to prepare their performances for you!
Lastly, don’t forget that this is a special occasion so please dress your best and leave tennis shoes and jeans at home!
We are looking forward to sharing a wonderful evening of music and learning with you! If you have any questions regarding the Innocademy Extravaganza, please feel free to contact Ms. Hillary at or Ms. Melissa at
Thank you!
December Ottawa County Food Pantry Calendar

FREE Monthly STEM Workshops – December Info!
The program is called Exploring Engineering and STEM and is for tweens 8-12years old. Each month we focus on a different career area of STEM. One or more professionals will share what they do for a career with the kids and how they got into it, plus answer questions. Then kids do a hands-on activity related to the career area. The program meets once a month on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 PM, at the North Branch of Herrick District Library located at 155 Riley Street in Holland. No need to sign up ahead of time, simply show up if you would like to attend.

REMINDER – “Give A Gift” Capstone Fundraiser
For our students in grades 3rd – 8th we are offering a fundraising opportunity this Christmas Season. Please see the INFORMATION FLYER HERE for more details and how your student can participate!

SpiritWear Holiday Sale Ends on December 8th!
We are excited to partner with SpiritWear, this year! Our Innocademy and Las Huellas School Stores will be available ALL. YEAR. LONG. to all of our families by clicking on THIS LINK FOR INNOCADEMY and by clicking on THIS LINK FOR LAS HUELLAS. You may choose your item, pay for it and have it shipped to your home – easy! Shipping is free for orders over $75. As a bonus our school receives 10% from every sale. Please watch for special sales and new items throughout the year.
Holiday Sale Info
- Sale Dates: November 6th – December 8th
- Savings: 20% discount sitewide
- Shipping: Free shipping over $75, $5 shipping under $75
- Delivery: All orders are guaranteed delivery by December 23rd
FREE Piano

Piano! Free to a good home!
Innocademy has a FREE Kimball piano for sale. It is in need of significant repairs, including a wobbly leg and broken keys. This piano comes AS IS and is first come first serve. Buyers are responsible for moving the piano themselves. If interested, contact Austin Shumaker at
Bittersweet Ski Club Information
For those of you looking forward to the sale of ski passes, I’m very sorry, but we won’t be participating this year. Bittersweet announced programming changes significantly reducing the benefits to our students and families, while instituing more stringent requirements for schools to participate.
I did contact Cannonsburg to see if they have a ski program for schools. While they do have a “program”, it is simply the purchase of the 6 or 10-visit punch pass for sale on their website. The passes could be a slight savings to students in grades K – 12th if you wish to investigate, further.
December Lunch Menu


Because we have students and staff with life-threatening allergies to peanuts and tree nuts it’s incredibly important that we are vigilant about remaining a completely nut-free campus.
You might be saying, “Well, I know that no one in my child’s class has an allergy so I’m okay sending a bag of trail mix as a snack.” Does your child ever use the community lunchroom? restroom? drinking fountain? Do they ever open a door to exit or enter the building or internal areas? Guessing that would be a “Yes.” for all of our students each day. Should your child have any nut residue or nut butter smear on their hands, they can leave traces on any table, door, or area they touch. For some students and staff, unknowingly touching that area and then touching their mouth, eyes or nose is enough to send them into anaphylactic shock, closing their airway and necessitating immediate life-saving medical attention.
Attendance Matters

Substitute Staff Needed
- Do you enjoy helping children learn?
- Do you have a flexible schedule?
- Are you looking for ways to support our school?
If so, we are in need of adults who love to work with kids and have the time to help throughout the school day. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of substitutes right now all over the country.
If you have any interest and would like to discuss this further, please email Ms. Jessenia at
’23-’24 Innocademy Family Resource Guide
If you’ve not already done so, please read through the Innocademy Family Resource Guide for this year so that you are familiar with daily life at Innocademy. As always, if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are happy to help. Thank you.
Innocademy School Calendar for 23-24