We are so very excited to see you on Thursday, evening!

There will be tables set up at Open House for you to…

  1. Pick up your family name card for you to display in the passenger side of your vehicle for afternoon dismissal
  2. Turn in any checks for a student’s lunch account – – or ask questions about Hot Breakfast/Lunch or setting up accounts


REALLLLLLY IMPORTANT! Have A Child New To Inno? OR Are You A Brand New Family? WELCOME! Final Enrollment Pieces

Welcome! We are so very excited to work with your family for the very first time or, perhaps, adding one more kiddo to our student body! If you have not yet completed the 2nd online enrollment link, please do so using the link, below. As a reminder it will not work with a tablet or phone; only a laptop or desktop computer.


Once that link has been completed, if you have not already done so, please use THIS LINK to upload the documents, below prior to the first day of school. If you care to deliver these documents in person Raquel, at our front desk, is happy to help you (8485 Homestead Dr., Zeeland). Please note our office is open Mondays and Wednesdays in the summer between 8am – 4pm. 

  • Student’s original birth certificate
  • Parent/Legal Guardian Driver’s License 
  • Acknowledgment of Concussion Information (attached)
  • Records Request (Please fill this out, but do not give this to your most recent school. Simply upload it to the link and Innocademy will send it.)
  • Updated Immunizations/Waivers
  • Health Appraisal – Completed by Physician (needed only for students entering K or who have never attended a public school in Michigan)
  • IEP (if applicable) 
  • 504 Plan (if applicable)


We will again be serving breakfast this year, but the Covid Free breakfast/lunch grant is no longer available. If your family qualifies, breakfast and lunch are free/reduced as in the past. Not sure if you qualify? Fill out an application at lunchapp.com to find out!

Breakfast will be $1.75 for those that do not qualify. While there will be some packaged items, similar to last year (muffins, cereal, granola bars, etc), it will also incorporate more fresh fruit and hot food twice a week. Students will go through the breakfast line (in the hot lunch service area), if they wish and then walk over to the tables in the lobby to eat before heading outside for morning recess.



We are excited to return to students eating in our cafeteria area, rather than in classrooms during lunch periods as they have these past couple of years. If you wish to send a hot food from home for your child to enjoy, please continue to utilize thermos containers as there will not be microwaves available for student use.


We ask ALL families to use only this parking lot until further notice. Please watch your email for guidelines for drop off and pick up.


Because of the MUCH NEEDED reworking and resurfacing of our parking lots, the East side parking lot will be closed through the month of August. Please use the West parking lot (McDonald’s side) only.


As a reminder we will return to paying for hot lunches and breakfasts this year.  What does that mean for my students?

There will be no more FREE  breakfasts and lunches, unless your family qualifies. 

  • Deposits into SendMoneytoSchool.com starts a new family portal that began July 1st. If you have used this online deposit service in the past, you will need to re-enroll your students using their student number. PLEASE USE HOLLAND CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS as the district. Innocademy/iCademy will be under that “district”. If you need your student’s number, please email Heidi.wolters@innocademy.com or leisa.lobbezoo@innocademy.com.  No service fee for online deposits before October 1.   You may always drop off deposits at your school office.  Sendmoneytoschool, only takes credit cards to make a deposit. 
  • If you currently have $$$ in your SendMoneyToSchool.Com account, those funds will roll over.
  • Please go to lunchapp.com  (Holland Christian District is the district) after August 1 to fill out an application.   The site will not be active until August 1, 2022. 


We will be hosting a VIRTUAL parent night for all of our families on Tuesday, August 16th. Please watch for more details along with links for this Zoom Meeting.


Would You Like To Add An Email Address?

If you received this message in your email box and would like to add another email recipient, please email leisa.lobbezoo@icademyglobal.org and I’m happy to add them =).

First Day of School

The first day of school for Innocademy will be Wednesday, August 3rd. It will be 1/2 day and students will be dismissed at noon.

Supply List

Please click on THIS LINK to see the supply list for each classroom. Students may bring all of their supplies to the Open House event on July 28th. As always, if the requested items pose a financial hardship for your family, please contact leisa.lobbezoo@innocademy.com and we can help!

Facebook Parent Group

If you have not yet joined our Innocademy Parent Group Facebook page, please consider doing so. This is the first place we announce inclement weather delays/cancellations and other important information throughout the year. It will also help you connect with other Innocademy families.

2022-2023 School Calendar