We love when Deputy Jon from the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department visits with us on the playground!

Our middle school friends visiting Project 1 in downtown Grand Rapids

Having some fun with order of operations!

Practicing sneezing into our elbows to protect our friends from our cold germs.

*NEW Information
Safety Drills
As most of you know, our school, like every public school in Michigan is required to perform a certain number of each type of drill every year; fire, tornado and shelter in place. We are not allowed to publicize the dates/times of these drills – even our staff is unaware. This is intentional so that we can make emergency actions just another routine for staff and students.
Please rest assured that prior to performing the first of these drills – and throughout the year, teachers talk with their students about why we are doing the drills, how we can perform them safely and if we need to make any necessary adjustments after we’ve completed them. Deputy Jon from the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department is frequently on hand to help normalize and make drills routine.
Obviously, the conversations at each grade level will vary a little bit (for our youngest friends, for a shelter in place drill, we may talk about a stray dog that is loose in the neighborhood that may be outside the building), but please rest assured that no matter the grade level, our teachers work very hard to lovingly and calmly reassure students that this is just another time we practice a routine.
Should we notice that your child seems to be anxious about a routine drill, teachers will absolutely work to reassure your student and also make contact with you. If you are talking with your child and he or she seems especially anxious about a practice drill, please let his/her teacher know so that we can make sure to follow up with them.
Student Led Conference Sign Ups
Families with 4, 3 and 2 students are currently taking the opportunity to sign up. Families with one kiddo your turn is coming on WEDNESDAY =) – THANKS to everyone for adhering to the sign up schedule based on the number of students you have at Innocademy.
If your child is in Young 5s – 4th grade Classic or part of the Las Huellas Program, please use this link to sign up for conferences:
If your child is part of the Classic Middle School Program, please use this link to sign up for conferences:
Notes from Ms. Vicki
Social Work Corner….by Vicki Jansma, MSW
Welcome to a new addition to the Innocademy communication/resource offerings–tips, news, articles, etc. relevant to helping parents understand and deal with their child’s educational experience. I am a retired school social worker who now consults with Lead Teachers and trains new social workers at both locations. I love this job, and am excited to return to one of my passions–parent support and education. Look for this monthly column, and feel free to contact me at either school with questions 🙂
CONFERENCE PREPARATION Soon you’ll be attending your child’s conference, learning about accomplishments and honing in on ways you can be supportive. Parents often ask me “What is my job as far as my child’s education? How much should I help with homework–isn’t that the teacher’s job to make sure he/she is learning?” So here is a little map of what’s considered the roles/jobs of each of the participants– the teacher, the parent and the student:
The teacher’s job is to:
- Prepare appropriate lessons, and present them in multiple ways to enhance the ability of each student to learn to his/her abilities
- Provide educational materials, activities and supports
- Assess progress and communicate the results with the student and parent
- Guide/model/reinforce age-appropriate group learning behaviors (listening, cooperation, motivation, consideration, etc.) so that all students have a positive learning experience in class, on the playground, etc.
- Notify parents of any ongoing/major health, behavior, academic or social concerns which interfere with the child’s ability to participate fully in the education offered
The parent’s job is to:
- Prepare their child for school by providing adequate rest/bedtimes, meals/snacks for energy, appropriate clothing/shoes for school activities and school supplies
- Support/reinforce the expectation that the child will obey/cooperative with/respect those in all staff at school
- Enforce a homework completion policy–regular, daily quiet time for work completion, practice and reading–made a priority within the family time commitments/schedule. In instances where something unusual/unforeseen occurs and homework was not attended to, contact the teacher the following morning and arrange for another day to complete
- Attend parent/teacher/student conferences regularly to remain informed/up-to-date on progress and/or concerns. Respond to teacher suggestions regarding problems, and seek appropriate follow up care if necessary
The student’s job is to:
- Wake up on time, come to school rested/ready to learn
- Pay attention, take notes, bring materials to class, try your best at all times
- Complete any assigned homework on time
- If extra help is needed, alert the teacher immediately–and if extra support is offered, show up and work hard
- Monitor your behavior so that you and others can learn
Book Sale Next Week!
Huge thanks to Ms. Michelle Sweet for putting together another Usborne Books and More Book Fair to be held near the Inno cafeteria. Browse all day Tuesday, October 8th and plan to shop on Wednesday, October 9th from 3:30 to 7:45 or Thursday, October 10th from 11 to 7:45. You can also browse or shop online here: https://e5203.myubam.com/1339430.
Anyone willing to volunteer to help with the Book Fair can signup here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080849AEAC23A2FB6-book
Devos Info…
Each morning a group of parents leads Devotions at Innocademy. If your child would like to participate, please make sure that they arrive to school right at 8:20. Devos parent volunteers will walk students inside as a whole group, lead them up the stairwell next to the elevator and guide them to the Devos space in our Learning To Be Fit upstairs space. Students arriving after 8:20am will need to participate on a different day.
*Old Info – In Case You Missed It
What Parents Need To Know – E Cigarettes and Vaping
The Ottawa County Health Department is urging parents to please take a peek at the important information contained within the link, below:
PLEASE do not park in the parking spaces next to the building unless you have a handicapped sticker/pass. We have families who are in that situation and need to utilize those spots. Thank you.

Hot Lunch – Price Increase
As noted on the updated September lunch menu, below, the price for student hot lunch has increased from $2.60 to $2.70 for this year. Please use this new price when sending in money or depositing funds online for your student. Thank you.

Birthday Treats
Just a reminder that there has been a change in Birthday Treat requests for this year. Please take a peek at the information below from our Family Resource Guide:
Innocademy requests a food-free birthday treat to ensure the health and safety of all of our students. If you are planning to send a birthday item with your child (bubbles, pencils, erasers, stickers, etc.), 25 is a safe number to plan for. If a food item comes into the classroom for a birthday celebration, it will be sent back home with the student. This is a significant change for the ‘19-’20 school year and we appreciate your partnership.
Before School Reminders
8:20 -Supervised morning recess and Devos begin (Parent-led Devotions meet during the months of Sept-May)
8:25 – Last opportunity for any students attending Devos to head inside
8:35 – Morning recess students line up outside for the Pledge of Allegiance
8:40 – Student enter the building
8:45 – Class begins (students arriving after 8:45 will be marked tardy. Please sign them in at the front desk.)
For the safety of our students, please remember that morning recess and optional devotions do not begin until 8:20 each morning. Because there is no outdoor recess coverage by Innocademy staff until that time, it is important that students do not arrive before 8:20 and remain under the supervision of a parent/guardian. Thanks so much for your cooperation and concern for student safety.
After School Enrichment Sign Up
Please see, below, for the sign up for this session of After School Enrichment:
Christmas ExtravaGANZA
Many, many more details to come, but please mark your calendars for this exciting event!
What: Christmas ExtravaGANZA
When: Thursday, December 12th
Where: Community Reformed Church in Zeeland
Time: 7pm – 8pm; Students should meet teachers at 6:45pm
Homestead Campus – Smoke/Tobacco/Vape Free
Just a reminder that no smoking/vaping/tobacco products should be used anywhere while onsite at Homestead Campus. This includes the playground and parking lots as well. Thank you.
Family Resource Guide 19-20
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know – and MORE – about daily life at Innocademy!