Ms. Anita’s students practicing their smiles for pictures

Mr. Ben found his twin!

Middle School kiddos visited the Civil War Muster at VanRaalte Park last week and learned tons about what life was like in the 1860’s

Mr. Chad’s friends worked on bringing their mini-golf courses to life!

Ms. Natalia’s friends enjoy some playtime!

*NEW Information
What Parents Need To Know – E Cigarettes and Vaping
The Ottawa County Health Department is urging parents to please take a peek at the important information contained within the link, below:
PLEASE do not park in the parking spaces next to the building unless you have a handicapped sticker/pass. We have families who are in that situation and need to utilize those spots. Thank you.

*Old Info – In Case You Missed It
Welcome Deputy Jon!
We are thrilled to welcome Deputy Jon to the Zeeland Police force and to Homestead Campus! Deputy Jon hopes to be on campus several times a week to get to know students, staff and families. Please introduce yourselves if you see him!

Hot Lunch – Price Increase
As noted on the updated September lunch menu, below, the price for student hot lunch has increased from $2.60 to $2.70 for this year. Please use this new price when sending in money or depositing funds online for your student. Thank you.

Birthday Treats
Just a reminder that there has been a change in Birthday Treat requests for this year. Please take a peek at the information below from our Family Resource Guide:
Innocademy requests a food-free birthday treat to ensure the health and safety of all of our students. If you are planning to send a birthday item with your child (bubbles, pencils, erasers, stickers, etc.), 25 is a safe number to plan for. If a food item comes into the classroom for a birthday celebration, it will be sent back home with the student. This is a significant change for the ‘19-’20 school year and we appreciate your partnership.
Before School Reminders
8:20 -Supervised morning recess and Devos begin (Parent-led Devotions meet during the months of Sept-May)
8:25 – Last opportunity for any students attending Devos to head inside
8:35 – Morning recess students line up outside for the Pledge of Allegiance
8:40 – Student enter the building
8:45 – Class begins (students arriving after 8:45 will be marked tardy. Please sign them in at the front desk.)
For the safety of our students, please remember that morning recess and optional devotions do not begin until 8:20 each morning. Because there is no outdoor recess coverage by Innocademy staff until that time, it is important that students do not arrive before 8:20 and remain under the supervision of a parent/guardian. Thanks so much for your cooperation and concern for student safety.
After School Enrichment Sign Up
Please see, below, for the sign up for this session of After School Enrichment:
Christmas ExtravaGANZA
Many, many more details to come, but please mark your calendars for this exciting event!
What: Christmas ExtravaGANZA
When: Thursday, December 12th
Where: Community Reformed Church in Zeeland
Time: 7pm – 8pm; Students should meet teachers at 6:45pm
PBIS Parent Volunteers Needed!
Are you looking for a way to get involved at our school? Great!
We are looking for two parents that help our PBIS team of teachers with obtaining more prizes for students and/or make copies of prizes, communicating with Inno families on a monthly basis on how students are doing with positive behavior via a newsletter (including some pictures) and looking at student behavior data in efforts to help us improve in our overall positive behavior efforts throughout our school.
This task would require a two hour commitment in a month and could be done at a time that is most convenient for you. We would only ask that you also join us on the third Monday of every month from 8:20 to 8:40 a.m. to share updates of what you are working on and to share behavioral data with our team of teachers.
If this is something you are interested in learning more about, have questions or are interested, please email
Homestead Campus – Smoke/Tobacco/Vape Free
Just a reminder that no smoking/vaping/tobacco products should be used anywhere while onsite at Homestead Campus. This includes the playground and parking lots as well. Thank you.
Hand 2 Hand
Hand 2 Hand is an organization that provides supplemental weekend food and snacks for families. It is designed to come alongside families who may be having financial difficulties. Families choose how long or short of a time they will participate in the program.
Lost & Found Relocation
Each day there are lots of little items left about. If you are looking for something your child may be missing, please check in the hallway by Mr. Karl’s desk. The hallway is located between the Younger Friends Classic area (Green Room) and the atrium.
Family Resource Guide 19-20
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know – and MORE – about daily life at Innocademy!