Mr. Chad’s class explored Windows on the Waterfront where they investigated Anishinabe history and nature play.

Ms. Morgan’s Friends wrote and recorded persuasive campaign skits, designed campaign posters, and hosted their very own mock election!

Angel Tree – Angels Needed To Help Fill Requests, Please!
As an IES family we are excited to be able to offer support to those who are struggling this holiday season. If you are able and willing to provide assistance, please look at the sign up below. Even the smallest contribution can make a huge difference!
IES Angel Tree Donation Sign Up
- Make sure that all items are NEW, not previously used
- Please Leave items unwrapped
- Include a sticky note with the family number on each item
- Items can be dropped off in the lobby at the Homestead Campus (Mon – Fri from 8:30 – 3:30)
- Items can also be shipped from Amazon – or another retailer to campus (8485 Homestead Dr., Zeeland, MI 49464. Please note “Angel Tree – Family #____ as the recipient)
- Donations are due by Monday, December 6th.
** If you have questions about any items on the sign up, please reach out to Deedee DeFrell at
As always, we thank you for your generosity and help in making Christmas brighter for some of our families.
Daycare Staff – Help Wanted
We are looking for additional team members to join our Daycare Team. This position would work 1 – 2 days per week during weeks school is in session. The Daycare team provides care to the children of our staff members. The kids range from 12 weeks old to 5 years old. Providing a nurturing environment for these little ones while mom/dad is working is the key to this role. Responsibilities include caring for kids, feeding them, bringing them outside for playtime, etc.
Interested? Please reach out to Sara at
Inclement Weather Notices – School Cancellations & Delays
Today’s intermittent sleet was a good reminder that wintery weather is just around the corner – ick!
Innocademy & Precademy will always follow Zeeland Public Schools weather delays and closings. If there is an AM delay, we will begin school at 10:45, instead of 8:45am. There will be no AM preschool in that situation.
When you see ZPS post a delay or closing due to inclement weather, please give us a beat and we will be sending that same information to our families =).
You can find out if Precademy & Innocademy are closed for the day through the following methods:
- Innocademy Parent Facebook Page (join this if you haven’t already =)
- Check your email inbox for an email from Leisa Lobbezoo
- Check WZZM 13
- Check WOOD TV8
Bittersweet Ski Club Passes Are HERE!

We are again offering Bittersweet Ski Passes for students (7 + years) and their families (extended families and friends, too! Open to anyone!) through Innocademy and iCademy Global.
Ski passes are a great opportunity for folks to purchase a pass ($27) that acts as a coupon throughout the season, reducing the prices on lift tickets, helmets, and rentals. The pass can be used, repeatedly, at any time throughout the ski season (please read the restrictions on timeframe and days as well as black out holidays), by the pass holder! ANYONE can be part of the ski club…student, parent, family friend.
If you are interested, please…
- Read through the attached information
- Fill out the attached form for student and/or adult
- Secure in an envelope with payment (checks payable to BITTERSWEET SKI RESORT)
- Return to campus. If you would like to mail the forms and payment via US mail, that is great, too! Please use the information, below:
Attn: Leisa Lobbezoo – Ski Club, iCademy Global, 8485 Homestead Drive, Zeeland, MI 49464
Once we receive the application and payment, there is usually about a 14 school day turnaround for your information to be processed at Bittersweet and passes to be issued so please plan ahead. =)
Just in case you were wondering, “Hmmm…what does Bittersweet usually charge for lift tickets and rentals?”
WITH SKI CLUB PASSES ($27 each pass – every skier must have one to receive the discounts.)
Adult (anyone not still in high school)
- $31 lift ticket
- $31 Rentals
- $10 helmet
Student (7 years old and older)
- $27 lift ticket
- $27 rentals
- $10 helmet rental
- + 2 FREE Lessons or NASTAR run
5th – 8th Grade Girls – Basketball Opportunity
If you live locally, are a girl in grades 5th-8th below you will find information on girls basketball.
If interested, please use the link below and sign up under the team name Corpus Christi.
Please note the following dates for girls basketball: Monday, December 6: Deadline to submit girls basketball teams. A minimum of seven players is needed to register a team. Monday, January 3: Girls basketball practices may begin (start of winter II season). Saturday, January 15: Girls basketball regular season begins. Saturday, March 5: Girls basketball postseason tournament finals.
If participating in the season you have to have a signed physical turned in to practice and compete per MHSAA rules. A copy of the physical form is attached. There is also a $60 participation fee that can be turned into Corpus Christi.
Covid-19 Vaccination Information/Clinics for Students Ages 5-11yrs old

SAVE THE DATE – Innocademy Holiday ExtravaGANZA is Back!
When: Thursday, December 16 at 7 p.m.
Where: Community Reformed Church, Zeeland, MI
Who: All Innocademy students enrolled in a music class
Detailed concert information will be coming in the next few weeks.
November Lunch Menu

Before/After School Care Available!

Kindercare in Holland (10240 Adams St.) is partnering with us to offer Before/After school care to our students! They are also able to help families out for break weeks and summer programming. You can check out their website, below, for registration:
- They open at 6am and close at 6pm.
- They will drop students off in the morning prior to school and pick them up at 3:20 each day.
- Tuition for before and aftercare for school-age kiddos is $120.00 for all 5 days.
- 3 days for before and after is $90.00 a week
- 2 days is $75.00 a week
Questions? Please contact Emily at 616.748.9932. Thank you so much!
Family Climate Survey – Please Complete by Nov. 29th
It is already October and we are well into the start of the school year. In an effort to celebrate what has gone well so far this year and areas we can continue to grow, we are seeking your input. Each fall we collect family, student, and staff perception data. The data is compiled and used to develop our School Improvement Plan. Your participation has a direct impact on our school-wide goals and measurable outcomes.
Please fill out the FAMILY PERCEPTION SURVEY by Monday, November 29th. Your input is important to us and we look forward to learning from you the success and challenges you have noticed this year.
Drawing for a $25 gift card from all who participate! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!
Is Your Student Sick? Should They Come To School? Please Follow This Flowchart
You can also use this super helpful INTERACTIVE FLOWCHART, if you prefer

Family Resource Guide
Please click, below, to see the 21-22 Family Resource Guide
Calendar for the 2021-2022 School Year
Please note the first day of school is kicking off with a 1/2 day on Monday, AUGUST 9TH. Students will be dismissed at 12pm.