Friends in Mr. Chad’s Innogeneering class are learning to write code for their tiny robots!

Be sure to check out the Holland Sentinel teacher spotlight on Ms. Jessenia! Our own Las Huellas ROCKSTAR =)

*NEW Information
Angel Tree – Please Give
Thank you for embodying the holiday spirit by investing in the lives of the people within the IES family; Innocademy, Innocademy Allegan and iCademy Global. We are so grateful for you and this community with all its support! Even the smallest contribution can be a significant blessing.
The following are some key details to remember when supporting our families:
· Please leave items unwrapped
· REALLY IMPORTANT to include the family number on the item(s)
· Please bring items to the iCademy space at Homestead Campus by Thursday, December 12.
If you are interested in participating in the Angel Tree program, but are not able to deliver items to campus, another option is to order them via Amazon (or some other website) and have them delivered to the school at 8485 Homestead Drive, Zeeland MI 49464. Please send it attention to Mandy Guppy and include the family number(s) in the notes section.
December Lunch Menu

Are You Looking for a Job?
Well, we are hiring! We currently have an opening in our Staff Daycare here at Homestead Campus. IES schools offers a program to our staff members with small children and we are in need of an additional person to join this team. Responsibilities include caring for children ages 12 weeks – 5 years old. Hours are 8:00 am – 4:30 (5:30 on Mondays). Our current need is for someone to work Tuesdays and Thursdays. Interested in learning more? Email
Total Trek Quest – SIGN UPS Happening NOW!
Total Trek Quest is a fun, high energy program designed exclusively for boys in 3rd-5th grade! TTQ incorporates strength and stretching exercises with training for a 5K. Boys in this program will develop positive peer relationships, and feel a part of a team, while also working toward individual goals. Additional practice activities focus on developing a healthy lifestyle, social/relationship skills, how to make healthy choices, and resisting peer pressure.
Please register your son here:
We’re also always looking for coaches. Coaches can be male, female, both, or neither, and are in prime position to be a positive role model for these boys throughout this 9-week journey. Coaches don’t need to be a runner, as the program has much more to offer. All coaches receive support from TTQ staff before, during, and after the season, as well as program training & CPR certification. This is a truly rewarding experience for anyone.
If you have questions regarding registering your boy(s) and/or are interested in coaching, please contact Brandon Melnyk @ , or 616-450-4651.
Thank you, and we’ll see you in the spring!
Bittersweet Ski Passes STILL Available
Ski passes are a great opportunity for folks to purchase a pass ($18) that acts as a coupon throughout the season; reducing the prices on lift tickets, helmets and rentals. The pass can be used, repeatedly, at any time throughout the ski season (please read the restrictions on timeframe and days), by the pass holder! ANYONE can be part of the ski club…student, parent, family friend.
If you are interested, please…
- Fill out the attached form for student and/or adult
- Secure in an envelope with payment (checks payable to BITTERSWEET SKI RESORT)
- Return to campus. If you would like to mail the forms and payment via US mail, that is great, too! Please use the information, below:
Leisa Lobbezoo iCademy Global 8485 Homestead Drive Zeeland, MI 49464
Once we receive the application and payment, there is usually about a 14 day turn around for your information to be processed at Bittersweet and passes to be issued so please plan ahead. =)
Just in case you were wondering, “Hmmm…what does Bittersweet usually charge for lift tickets and rentals?”
$34-$50 lift ticket
$26-$29 rentals
$10 helmet rental
WITH SKI CLUB PASSES ($18 each pass – every skier must have one to receive the discounts.)
$22 lift ticket
$22 Rentals
$10 helmet
$18 lift ticket
$18 rentals
$10 helmet rental
+ 2 FREE Lessons or NASTAR run
Holiday Kids Dance Day
When: December 14th
Who: Pre-K-Kindergarten from 9am – 12pm (registration code 200799-S1) and 1st – 6th grades from 9am – 1pm (registration code 200799-S2)
Where: Loker’s Auditorium
The Zeeland Dance Company is hosting a holiday themed day of fun! Dancers will stretch, learn technique and routines, play movement games and do a dance related craft (depending on age). Lunch will be provided. That evening, dancers are invited back to perform at 6pm in “Uplifted”, a concert hosted by ZYDC, benefitting the K.L.A.S.S. program which provides free Zeeland Rec programs to children who are in financial need. Visit their website for more information. Tickets for “Uplift” are $5 each and available at
*Old Info – In Case You Missed It
Recess Reminder – We Are Outside EVERY day
Just a reminder to always, always, always send winter gear with your students as, barring rain or extreme temperatures, we are outside every day. Innocademy is in line with area schools in the district in terms of heading outside for recess. Our threshold is a “feels like” temperature of 0 degrees. Anything zero degrees or below we will stay inside. If it is above, we will be heading outside for recess.
All of our students are expected to be outside for recess because we know that fresh air is healthy for us – even if we have a bit of a cold. If you feel your student is too ill to be outside in the fresh air, he/she should probably be at home that day, recovering.
Parent Meeting Links – Keeping Kids Safe
Here are a few extra links from Anne Thorpe’s presentation on “Keeping Our Kids Safe” that we wanted to pass along after the parent meeting. Please click on the link, below to find out more REALLY GREAT information.
Christmas ExtravaGANZA
Many, many more details to come, but please mark your calendars for this exciting event!
What: Christmas ExtravaGANZA
When: Thursday, December 12th
Where: Community Reformed Church in Zeeland
Time: 7pm – 8pm; Students should meet teachers at 6:45pm
Family Resource Guide 19-20
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know – and MORE – about daily life at Innocademy!